Saturday, October 2, 2010

Some of Our Adorable Students

Taylor's Kindy Class 
Nathan's Kindy Class
Jennifer (Nathan's Favorite)
Precious Camilla
Working Hard
Cutest Photo Ever a la NayNay
Taylor's Reading 3
Best Class Ever (Even Badass Zeus on the left)
These are our kindergarten classes and reading 3 class. They are all about 6 or 7 Korean years which is 5 or 6 Canadian years. We teach the kindergarten kids for 3 hours everyday and the reading 3 class for 1 hour after lunch. These kids amaze us more and more everyday. They are learning English as a second language and pick up on new ideas, that kids their age who speak English as a first language have trouble with, so quickly. They make working 10 hour days worth it annnd they are fucking cute as hell.

1 comment:

  1. Let me know if they want to do a pen pal thing with some of our kids at Rochester?? Dave. H
